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Domestic Violence Prevention

Educates and Organizes Women to Support Women's Rights

Responding to the crisis in domestic violence in rural Goyena, the Women’s Rights Program began in 2013 with a series of workshops, interactive theater and discussions with thirty women in Goyena. The project had a significant impact over two years, and the women “demanded” more work on gender, women’s rights and violence reduction.

The Present Objectives Are:

  • Offer training for women and girls that includes a critical analysis of sexuality and social norms and builds greater protection from violence and sexual harassment.

  • Sensitize women and girls to empower their sexual, reproductive and civil rights, enables the full exercise of these, and advocates for policies that recognize their human rights and confronts oppression.

The Project: 

  • Works with women of Goyena and Troilo to plan and implement trainings in their rural communities.

  • Trains ‘promotores’ to lead trainings in Goyena and other communities.

  • Sends leaders to week-long advanced trainings at Canteras (Center for Communication and Popular Education) in Managua on Gender and Violence Reduction.

  • Creates self-help and reflection groups in each community.

  • Creates a women’s leadership committee in each community and support women’s projects to educate community members and students about gender and power.

  • Organizes women to participate in and lead advocacy/marches in Leon for better policies on domestic violence.

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