Intern: New Haven

New Haven Internship Opportunities
Our programs work directly with local rural communities and we seek to influence the policies to ensure that poor people can improve their lives and livelihoods and have a say in decisions that affect them.
We invite you to consider volunteering/interning in New Haven if you’re interested in:
working to build a more just world.
learning about international development and solidarity.
grassroots fundraising and nonprofit management.
community based education.
environmental, climate and public health issues.
We usually match Interns/volunteers to projects based on their skills, availability, and interests and needs at the time. Particular areas of need include:
Education Committee: Supports improvement of rural education in Nicaragua from preschool to teens.
Women’s Committee: Supports Domestic Violence Prevention Program in Leon and organizes delegations, public outreach and fundraising efforts.
Climate change and public health: Work to educate and mobilize people on climate change including outreach, public art creation and advocacy. More info here.
Fundraising: NHLSCP raises over $140,000 a year – almost all from individuals. Help needed with outreach, Fair Trade/crafts sales, planning and coordination of special events.
More Information
Provide your name and email address to receive more information about interning in New Haven.