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Leon Responds to COVID-19 and Economic Crisis

Chris Schweitzer

Nicaragua is now not only experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, but also a post 2018 Uprising recession and the continued violation of most fundamental political rights. This means that the most vulnerable people are having to confront situations of greater stress, including the loss of jobs, and lost remittances as many migrants who had been providers returned.

Therefore NHLSCP is faced with

the challenge of creating programs that address the most basic need as it is; food security. For this, we are moving ahead with three efforts described below. Through the Education Program we will have a focus on providing immediate short-term nutrition support for the most vulnerable population (children and families that do not have any income) in Troilo and Goyena. A second effort will aim at increasing family food production in Goyena, and hopefully doing the same in Troilo in the near future. Finally, we are offering clean cookstoves at lower cost that will provide health and cost saving benefits to families.

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