Mission & Roots

Our Mission
New Haven/Leon SCP is a binational organization promoting social justice, education and sustainable development in the New Haven and León communities.
The primary work of the NH/LSCP in León, Nicaragua is to support community based initiatives in the rural communities of Goyena and Troilo and to facilitate programs and projects that improve public health and community based education, support women’s rights, and address root causes of poverty. In New Haven we work to build new projects and coalitions to confront the climate change crisis. In both communities we work to build local leadership and capacity and address root causes of poverty and injustice.
Our Roots
The New Haven/León Sister City Project was founded in 1984, at the front end of a movement of sister-city relationships that sprung up between Nicaraguan cities and North American and European cities throughout the 1980’s. The vision of the NH/LSCP in the 1980’s was to create healthy ties between US and Nicaraguan citizens as at a time when the government of the US was engaged in an illegal war against Nicaragua. Our alternative citizens’ foreign policy supported Nicaraguans literacy, public health, and anti-poverty efforts in their vision of creating a more just society.
Check out Key Themes and Strategies throughout NHLSCP’s history here.