Get Involved

Get Involved with New Haven León!
We invite you to join us in ongoing events and projects in New Haven and Nicaragua as a volunteer, intern, or delegation member. We are able to customize particular Internships and Delegations to meet the needs, skills and interests of the volunteers and to address urgent needs on the ground.
In Nicaragua, we hope the experience will help form relationships between participants and the Nicaraguan communities, and also help students understand the historic, political and economic challenges facing the people there. We also strongly encourage participants to stay involved when they return and to continue to explore ways to create a more just, compassionate world.
We invite you to consider interning/volunteering in New Haven or virtually if you’re interested in:
working to build a more just world.
grassroots fundraising and nonprofit management.
environmental, sustainable development, climate change and public health issues.
Open Positions: Volunteer Job Descriptions Available Here
– Communications Manager
– Website Coordinator
– Translations Coordinator
– Design Coordinator
– Social Media Volunteer
– Climate Change Solutions Committees*
– Development Manager
– Technology Coordinator
– Fundraising Ambassador
– Grants Coordinator
(*New Haven, CT based)